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Our Ethics - Rainbow Pilgrims

Our Ethics

Is Oral History Legal and Ethical?

It is essential that interviewees should have confidence and trust in interviewers, and that recordings should be available for research and other use within a legal and ethical framework which protects the interests of interviewees.

The following information and guidelines are aimed at ensuring that these objectives are achieved.

Rainbow Pilgrims abides by the guidelines as laid out by the Oral History Society. Please follow this link:

The article is divided into sub-pages:

  1. Practical Steps
  2. Preparation
  3. First Approach
  4. During Interview
  5. After Interview
  6. Further Information
  7. FAQs
  8. Useful web links
  9. Further reading

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Volunteer For Rainbow Pilgrims

We are looking for enthusiastic and dynamic volunteers for our latest landmark project Rainbow Pilgrims that celebrates the ‘hidden history’ of LGBTQI migrants.

In return for your time, we can offer you free, professional training, and will also cover your out of pocket expenses. The project runs until May 2018; volunteering hours can be flexible, but you will have to be able to commit yourself to a minimum of 6 months participation.

Find Out More




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