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What's New - Rainbow Pilgrims

What's New

The Meaning of Home – a blog

The Meaning of Home – a blog

“The meaning of a home to me is where you can hear laughter, where you can live happily, where you can feel safe.” – Muhammad, interviewee original post: I’m Mary, currently studying on Goldsmith’s Queer...

Manchester PHOTO SHOOT – a story in 6 images

Manchester PHOTO SHOOT – a story in 6 images

On a sunny May Day, we teamed up with a group of LGBTQI refugees/asylum seekers from the 1st Wednesday Group in Manchester, to share stories and create portraits that express 'who we are'. A Big Thank you to the LGBT Foundation and group leader Philip to host the...

Get Involved

Get Involved

We are looking for enthusiastic and dynamic volunteers for our latest landmark project Rainbow Pilgrims that celebrates the ‘hidden history’ of LGBTQI migrants.

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Volunteer For Rainbow Pilgrims

We are looking for enthusiastic and dynamic volunteers for our latest landmark project Rainbow Pilgrims that celebrates the ‘hidden history’ of LGBTQI migrants.

In return for your time, we can offer you free, professional training, and will also cover your out of pocket expenses. The project runs until May 2018; volunteering hours can be flexible, but you will have to be able to commit yourself to a minimum of 6 months participation.

Find Out More

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