The Rainbow Pilgrims Symposium was held on 14 February 2018 at Buckinghamshire New University.
A Photostory
Opening the Symposium: Prof Margaret Greenfields, IDRICS/New Bucks
Exhibition Curator Ella Hollowood
Project Manager Surat-Shaan Knan
The Panels
Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) Panel Chris Lee, Romany Arts
Henry Chapman – GRT LGBT activist
No Safe Passage Panel
Dominic Arnall, Stonewall
Leila Zadeh, UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group
International Perspectives facilitated by Prof Eleonore Kofman
Pliny Soocoormanee, Peter Tatchell Floundation and Dr Moira Dustin, SOGICA
Paul Dillane, Kaleidoscope Trust
Vijay Patel, Multi Media Artist
Faith Panel I: Siobhan Anderson 3FF; Jenny-Anne Bishop OBE
Faith Panel II: (from left to right) Jide Macaulay, House of Rainbow; Dr Syed Haider, Hidayah; Rabbi Aaron Goldstein, Liberal Judaism
Poetry by PJ Samuels
The LGBTQI+ refugee/asylum seeker panel: Cee, Monica and Scotch
Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah
Heritage Lottery Fund South West Representatives
Searle Kochberg